Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Which leg is which for PNP power MOSFET IRF5305PbF?

Sir seanspotatobusiness . . . . .

WHUT you taklin' 'bout . . . . . . . . . . Willis ?
Whut you gonna do . . . . . .wire this up to a "tater " eye incubator ?
Notice that it has 2 drain connections ∴ you could change out the cooling oil in a HURRY on that sucker !


73's de Edd

My wife and I always compromise . . . How? . . . “I admit I am wrong and she agrees with me!”

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Thanks very much. It was for a project to light a green LED whenever my ESD grounding point is connected to ground but it turns out that neither a transistor nor MOSFET is suitable (a MOSFET even less so because it lights up when I touch the probe without a need for two connections to ground).

Do you think it's sketchy to connect my PSU ground to earth for this? The PSU will be a PC PSU and used to power a few other pieces of equipment (network switch, Raspberry Pis, label printer). Originally I was advised to use a "high side" circuit but they're too sensitive and light the LED even when the connection to ground is poor.

Harald Kapp

a project to light a green LED whenever my ESD grounding point is connected to ground
The ESD grounding point is usually connected to earth potential using a resistor in the MΩ range. The explanation is e.g. here.
The circuit in your link may be suitable when you replace the NPN by a MOSFET. You'll have to add a resistor from gate to source to reduce sensitivity to small charges (as you have noticed). Also a series resistor and a zener diode to protect the gate from overvoltage are advisable. Hre's a rough sketch:
Sir seanspotatobusiness . . . . .

WHUT you taklin' 'bout . . . . . . . . . . Willis ?
Whut you gonna do . . . . . .wire this up to a "tater " eye incubator ?
Notice that it has 2 drain connections ∴ you could change out the cooling oil in a HURRY on that sucker !

View attachment 45163

73's de Edd

My wife and I always compromise . . . How? . . . “I admit I am wrong and she agrees with me!”

Sir that is real diplomacy!