Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Which is better for led

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Have led operates from 10.5 to 12.9 volts and current up to 1.68 amp.

Should i use 2 . 2 ohm resistor to limit current so don't burn the led, or use current regulator to limit. current.

If use a current regulator use more power ( run the battery down faster) since the current regulator need power to function.

If only use 2 . 2 ohm resistor less circuit to build,

Don't know what wattage the resistor should.

Enclosed is a circuit for current limit..


Harald Kapp

If use a current regulator use more power ( run the battery down faster) since the current regulator need power to function.
Not with your circuit. Power dissipation is (for practical purposes) the same as for a resistor. The IC circuit will give better regulation and better protect the LEDs from overvoltage at the input.
Don't know what wattage the resistor should.
It depends on the input voltage of your circuit. Power dissipation is: Pdiss = (Vin-Vled)/Iled = (Vin-Vled)²/R
The leds are specified for voltage and current, perhaps they have a control circuit built in. Red leds can need a voltage of 2V or so and other colours more. There may be several leds connected in series to get up to 10V.

Leds can be driven using PWM pulse width modulation. Say you have a 24V power supply and rapidly switch it on and off with on time at 50% of the total time then with a resistive load it will appear as a lower voltage source with negligible loss of power.

You can get buck covertors which will reduce voltage and boost convertors which will increase voltage, They can be over 90% efficient. It depends on what battery you wish to use.

Harald Kapp

@jaksonlee : What do you want to tell us? How is this related to the original question? I'm inclined to treat such posts as spam unless you give me agood reason to let it stand.



Do you have a datasheet for the mentioned led?
The given 1.68 A is a strange value.
Never use a device on its absolute maximum allowed rating.
Also the cooling of the led must be garanteed, otherwise the led will have a short life.

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