Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Which flash card interface to design in?




There are a lot of standards around now for small, cheap flash memory
modules, and sockets seem to be readily available for most of them. I
need to incorporate the option for an arbitrary amount of extra flash
in a new design, so I'd like to include a socket for one of these.

But which is the most likely to still be supported in a few years
time? Which one is the easiest to interface to?

Answers, hints, links all welcome.

Tony (remove the "_" to reply by email)

Anders F

Tony said:

There are a lot of standards around now for small, cheap flash memory
modules, and sockets seem to be readily available for most of them. I
need to incorporate the option for an arbitrary amount of extra flash
in a new design, so I'd like to include a socket for one of these.
But which is the most likely to still be supported in a few years

CF and SD will be around for some time as they are both used extensively
everywhere =). CF has traditionally been cheaper per MB (probably because
the controller enables use of non-perfect flash parts) and is definitely
available in much larger capacities. However, the SD is smaller and the
sockets cheaper.



CF and SD will be around for some time as they are both used extensively
everywhere =). CF has traditionally been cheaper per MB (probably because
the controller enables use of non-perfect flash parts) and is definitely
available in much larger capacities. However, the SD is smaller and the
sockets cheaper.

CF has the advantage of an IDE compatible interface.



Thanks - also found some info at
and found Electus Distribution have a few sockets at decent prices.
Interfacing looks easy enough too.

CF and SD will be around for some time as they are both used extensively
everywhere =). CF has traditionally been cheaper per MB (probably because
the controller enables use of non-perfect flash parts) and is definitely
available in much larger capacities. However, the SD is smaller and the
sockets cheaper.


Tony (remove the "_" to reply by email)


Tony said:

There are a lot of standards around now for small, cheap flash memory
modules, and sockets seem to be readily available for most of them. I
need to incorporate the option for an arbitrary amount of extra flash
in a new design, so I'd like to include a socket for one of these.

But which is the most likely to still be supported in a few years
time? Which one is the easiest to interface to?

Answers, hints, links all welcome.

Tony (remove the "_" to reply by email)

I've just started looking at similar issues. the Multimedia card seems to
have the simplest interface 7 pins (2 for pwr/gnd, Din, Dout & a mode select
type input for SDI/MMC mode). The simpler MMC sockets also seem to be
(understandably) quite a bit cheaper than the CF sockets - AU$4 @ Farnell.

I found some useful background info in the archives at

I believe there is a smaller variant of the MMC as well which may be around
for longer. I don't know how long the future of the standard MMC card is
likely to be - anyone have any ideas??
