Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Where to Buy/Sell/Trade

Hey guys,
So im fairly new to electronics but im learning very fast. Ive started to buy broken electronics off ebay, fix them and sell them to make a couple dollars on the side. I was wondering who else on here does this and where do you do your business? Also is there a good place to buy components? (Caps,resistors,transistors,IC)


welcome to EP :)

Ive started to buy broken electronics off ebay, fix them and sell them to make a couple dollars on the side.

that's cool :) just a warning, be careful on what you buy to repair. You live in the country that thrives on suing people for injury/death etc
make sure you follow the trade rules to keep out of trouble ... ie. public liability insurance :)

I was wondering who else on here does this and where do you do your business?

I used to service VCR's, DVD players, TV's etc, it's just not worth it these days ... the cost of repair time and parts compared to buying a new unit
unless it is a very simple fault.
I moved into manufacturing electronics. I work from home, it saves a lot of additional costs ....
I still have a full time day job, my manufacturing from home just provides very good pocket money :)

Also is there a good place to buy components?

in the USA you have Farnell, Mouser, and a number of other trustworthy component suppliers ... some of those bigger ones can be a bit on the expensive side
I only go to them if it is something my main supplier cannot supply
Here in Australia I use Altronics and I buy enough from them that they gave me a wholesale account, which really drops the prices for me

I am unsure what other suppliers you have locally in the USA that you could go to for lower prices ?

Honestly i have this local electronics repair place that sells me some my supplies but at a higher price. If i dont mind waiting i go through eBay or Amazon.
What do you manufacture? Do you just sell to the public?