Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Where to buy 40pin edge-connector (2mm spacing)?



I need some 40 pin card-edge connectors. It's the kind which has been
for the Atari ST cartridge port.
Unfortunately I can't find them for sale anywhere (Probably because of
the rather unusual 2mm pin-spacing instead of the more common 0.1" -
this makes me wonder if they were made by Atari's own specifications,
or if they're a commonly available, but hard to find part).

Here's a photo of it:

and here's another photo which shows how it mates with a PCB edge at
the other end:

Finally, here's a layout I've made of it using Eagle:

So, does anyone know where I can buy them from or have any information
about manufacturer etc. which would help me trace down its origins?

mark krawczuk

hi, they look like the old ISA slots on older type computer mother
boards, a bit longer they are , but cut to fit , maybe, desolder them of the
m/b with a lpg torch ?
mark k


hi, they look like the old ISA slots on older type computer mother
boards, a bit longer they are , but cut to fit , maybe, desolder them of the
m/b with a lpg torch ?

Where can I get a datasheet which shows the dimensions, spacings etc
for ISA connectors?
I can't seem to find anything.

Graham W

NoSp said:
Where can I get a datasheet which shows the dimensions, spacings etc
for ISA connectors?
I can't seem to find anything.

They are 0.1" pitch anyway so no good for your application.


They are 0.1" pitch anyway so no good for your application.

That's too bad :-(
So the ISA slots have the same sort of connection at the end which
mates to a PCB-edge; 2mm spacing between each PCB "finger", but the
solder-pins at the other end are pitched at 0.1"? Strange.

Another approach to my project would be to use a connector of some
sort that matches the pin-spacing of those Atari connectors (2 rows
(20 pins) spaced 5mm apart, and 2mm apart for those 20 pins, as shown
in my illustration).
Are there connectors (preferrably for flat-cables) that fit this

Graham W

NoSp said:
That's too bad :-(
So the ISA slots have the same sort of connection at the end which
mates to a PCB-edge; 2mm spacing between each PCB "finger",

No! The interval between each edge connection is 0.1". The Motherboard
end is still 0.1".. The system is called a 0.1" double-sided interface.
but the
solder-pins at the other end are pitched at 0.1"? Strange.

Read above.

Another approach to my project would be to use a connector of some
sort that matches the pin-spacing of those Atari connectors (2 rows
(20 pins) spaced 5mm apart, and 2mm apart for those 20 pins, as shown
in my illustration).
Are there connectors (preferrably for flat-cables) that fit this

There are loads of different connectors out there - you just have to do
the groundwork. BTW, describing such as 'Atari' connectors doesn't
help as many peeps never owned an Atari.

Hal Murray

Where can I get a datasheet which shows the dimensions, spacings etc
for ISA connectors?
I can't seem to find anything.

The PCI specs have good drawings. They want $ though.