Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Where do I go now to learn more? (Self taught prop/toy maker)

Hi all,

I'm trying to cut a long story short here, so bear with me, lol.

Due to health issues I've been out of work for over a decade - tried some work from home, made condition worse :(
In an effort to be productive I've taught my self some basics of electronics, woodworking, metal working and knife making all with limited tools. My current goal is to combine a bit of all of these (well, except the knife making) to make props and toys for people of all ages.


If I want to make a toy/prop that reacts to different sensors/buttons and plays different MP3's or sounds where should I head in the wonderful world of electronics to learn how to design and/or build this item.

Please note that I've turned to Youtube to learn about electronics, but all the lessons only go as far as the 555 timer chip... nothing else. Where should I turn and what subjects should I look up?

Thanks in advance for any advice, suggestions or constructive criticism.



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Two options that come immediately to mind are to hang around here and/or join a hackerspace.
Hmm, think I shall do both! lol.

Steve, thanks for the quick reply. Are there any keywords that I should use in my search on this site?
Hi Mike,
The resource section would be a good read.
I do have to strongly disagree with you about Youtube videos only going as far as the 555 though.
It totally depends on what you want to learn about!
What have you got in mind to learn about?

Hi Martaine2005,

The point about Youtube is only based on my limited experience and, because I'm not too sure of what I'm looking for (terminology and the like) I am probably missing something...

I'm basically wanting to learn how to make a device that can play different pre-recorded sounds (MP3, or whatever I can use). But, have NO idea where to start learning... any pointers?
You could join a local radio club (see Some of these give training classes for the examinations to get permission to transmit, these start with the basics. You may find a guru to help you, not all the members are grumpy old codgers like me.:)

EDIT You could join a REMAP group which makes devices for disabled people. I joined to help with electronic applications but was mostly given woodworking to do. It is very pleasurable to help those less fortunate than yourself. Unfortunately I can no longer take part.
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Find out about all of the basics first and definitely utilise the site, far easier to come here with specific problem than to through a book for several hours with no idea of what term to use! Get good, reputable books. My first electronics book was Electronics for dummies, obtainable from Amazon (just like most things). Dummies will teach you the basics accurately and to a level sufficient with which to start making and hacking. Move on to a more advanced, component oriented book next, to teach you the behaviour of the discrete components and logic chips. Try Success in Electronics by Tom Duncan, a little behind on a few of the electronic technologies of today, but all of the concepts are useful within general electronics. These are the two books that I began electronics with, that and a lot of help from this forum.

Other than reading you will need as much practical work as possible.

I would, as Steve does, recommend using a Hackspace. They seem to be springing up rather fast at the moment, the one that I attend had no members a year ago, now we have over 30 members and need to move to a larger space. There should be one already in a town near you, or at least starting to emerge.

As for your MP3 problem, there are a few solutions. You could modify an existing MP3 player, if you happen to have an old one lying about. Alternatively you could utilise a dedicated chip/board such as Sparkfun's MP3 trigger board.

Give us an idea of your previous experiences within electronics and your skill level.

I hope this helps,
Maybe watch these tutorials on Arduino....the mind seems to kick in sometimes when one sees the possabilities of a particular system.

Start at No.1 and work your way through ( I think about 15 in all)

Clone boards are available from China for a cheaper alternative to originals.

I can help you directly, if you wish to contact me.
What percentage are you offering the owner of this site for Advertising your site?
This is a free forum to learn and get help!
If you paid for proper advertising, the OP might have found your site!
Or is this the new Ad. Spam forums?
Dear Ladies and Gents...

Thank you for all this info! I will def try and get hold of these books and I'll start working through some of the posts on here - might take me a while though, lol. Again, thanks for all the help! XD