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Maker Pro

Where can I buy a high voltage transformer

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I know there exist single component transformers that can transform a few to several volts DC into hundreds of thousands of volts - say, 400K volts. Where can I buy one? To note, on Ebay a guy is selling one for under $2, but you have to wait weeks for it to come from Hong Kong. "Support" at Radio Shack said they do not sell any such thing.


Hop - AC8NS
I know there exist single component transformers that can transform a few to several volts DC into hundreds of thousands of volts - say, 400K volts. Where can I buy one? To note, on Ebay a guy is selling one for under $2, but you have to wait weeks for it to come from Hong Kong. "Support" at Radio Shack said they do not sell any such thing.
Firstly, transformers do not transform DC. Transformers transform AC. What power do you expect to get at 400 kV? What are you going to use this for? The only thing available to hobbyists that can produce 400 kV is a Tesla coil. You can't buy or build a 400 kV Tesla coil for two bux.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
In general you can get very high voltages out of a fly back transformer.

Fly back describes mostly the method of operation, but there are many transformers designed specifically for this mode of operation.

These were once common in TVs where they were used to create the several to tens of thousands of volts required for the CRT. These days ignition coils are far more easily obtained.

These are normally driven from a switched DC, with a large pulse of high voltage appearing on the secondary on the falling edge.

400kV is a pipe dream unless there is several feet of insulation


Hop - AC8NS
400kV is a pipe dream unless there is several feet of insulation
One of our ion implant accelerators had a DC terminal potential of +250 kV with respect to earth ground on a good, dry, day. It still occasionally arced to ground for no apparent reason. The path through air was about two meters or so. It is almost impossible to create 400 kV in air without humongous corona losses, although there are some high-voltage power transmission systems that somehow manage to cope with voltages as high as 765 to 800 kV. See graphic below and here.

I doubt anyone visiting this forum has the wherewithal to purchase one of those transformers, but if you do Siemens has a nice glossy blow-sure if you want to see some pretty pictures. Plan on setting aside an acre or two for installation, and also add cost for fencing, concrete pads, and perhaps a rail spur for delivery of your custom made-to-order transformer... It pays to shop around for transformers (of any size) and, often, used transformers can be purchased for half the cost of a new one. Please let us know what you are trying to DO and perhaps someone can direct you to an appropriate supplier.

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