Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Whats the best charge controller for the money?

I have a CC120 Heliotrope charge controller set at State of Charge (SOC)
set point of 14.7 by the dip switchs. I have limited documentation on
this controller and while it has performed flawless for the past couple
of years, I have gotten a new battery bank (ten T605 Trojans, yeilding
950 AmpHrs at 12 volts) and I am worried that I might need to buy a new
controller that has the bulk and float setpoints that Trojan suggests.

My system presently charges with 27 amps of solar panels but I have
another 20 amps of panels I will install soon. My system spends a lot of
time fully charged since I usually only visit the cabin on the weekends.

Since I will now be up to the C20 charge rate when I add the other
panels I am concerned about over charging.

1. Since I am not sure how the CC120 works should I reduce the SOC
setting down to the 13.6?

2. Should I sell the controller and buy a modern unit?


Solar Guppy

If you want your battery bank to last more than 2-3 years ... you'll need a
better controller.

Lowering your float to 13.6 volts will just kill the batteries faster since
they will never get fully charged

The Outback MX60 is best choice out there , about 500.00 with mppt and 60
amps current handling. The old Xantrex C40/C60's are allot less features but
only run 130.00 and up but are 3 stage controllers and will be way better
than what you now have. Consider the investment in batteries and solar
panels , getting a good mppt charger seems obvious.
Thanks for the feedback. What do you think about the 60 amp tri-star
from Morningstar? Seems a 60 amp charge controller can be had for $199
with temperature sensor. I have sworn off Xantre / Trace because of
their manipulation of the market by telling dealers they cannot list
prices on the web, and because they have lousy customer service.
The Mppt is a little pricey for my budget.
Thanks again

Solar Guppy

Huh ? , many sites list the non-list price on the Xantrex products

For example , list price on C60 is 199.00

on the C60 , for $161.00

on the C60, for 155.00

on the C60 , for 155.00

(I can personal vouch for the sunelec people as I just bought both there
Photowatt 155 panels for 2.50 watt and there BP MSP49L's for 1.50 watt. I
drove down to Maimi and picked up from there store)

As for crappy service , what do you judge this on ? I personally know the
engineering and support staff for this product and they try very hard to be
responsive to customer questions/issues. Selling products in this market
(RE) is a tough business , low volumes , lots of competition make it almost
impossible to make a sustainable business on.

If you want field proven , reliable product, there are literally 10's of
thousands of these controllers in the field working well. I know nothing
about Morningstar products except from reading there ad's and there was a
tech support person monitoring the discussion board when
I started it last year.

I think the Outback is the best feature controller , I think the Xantrex C
series is the best value and there are at least 3 other companies that I
have no personal feedback on in between.

It's your money , but I would go with what is proven , since regardless of
anyone's opinion on the company , it's the product and how it performs that
matters in the end.

George Ghio

I have a CC120 Heliotrope charge controller set at State of Charge (SOC)
set point of 14.7 by the dip switchs. I have limited documentation on
this controller and while it has performed flawless for the past couple
of years, I have gotten a new battery bank (ten T605 Trojans, yeilding
950 AmpHrs at 12 volts) and I am worried that I might need to buy a new
controller that has the bulk and float setpoints that Trojan suggests.

My system presently charges with 27 amps of solar panels but I have
another 20 amps of panels I will install soon. My system spends a lot of
time fully charged since I usually only visit the cabin on the weekends.

Since I will now be up to the C20 charge rate when I add the other
panels I am concerned about over charging.

1. Since I am not sure how the CC120 works should I reduce the SOC
setting down to the 13.6?

2. Should I sell the controller and buy a modern unit?


Have a look at the PL60 from Plasmatronics. Fully programable. too many
accessories to mention


You can down load the PL Reference Manual here.

George L Ghio

Solar Guppy

What email did you use ? , what phone number did you call ?

They have 24x7 support staff that a human answers

The Tiger inverters ?? ... you didn't buy chance buy these from eBay for 20
bucks did you ?? the ones that are for 50 hz and everyone got fleeced that
bought these from eBay ????.

I don't think it is fair to judge a company on not supporting a discontinued
product that you bought in an auction. This is why they were sold bulk to

If you buy a C60 you'll get good support ... from the company selling it !

Offgridman said:
"Solar Guppy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
strong arming dealers that I remember.
It has been much to long for me to remember the email or telephone
numbers now.

Solar said:
What email did you use ? , what phone number did you call ?

They have 24x7 support staff that a human answers

The Tiger inverters ?? ... you didn't buy chance buy these from eBay for 20
bucks did you ?? the ones that are for 50 hz and everyone got fleeced that
bought these from eBay ????.

I bought one from windsun and another from another web site, can't
remember the name of it. Both are 120 volt 60 Hz units.

I did try to obtain installation instructions from the new support
service last year on a 2 KW Load Master inverter/charger. I bought from
a RV mfg (current production) and they refused to supply me with them.
There excuse, manufacturers or dealers normally install these inverters.
So don't preach to me me that they have improved.
I still stand by my experiences with them, lousy customer service.

I don't think it is fair to judge a company on not supporting a discontinued
product that you bought in an auction.

Wrong assumption on your part, as I said these were not the ebay ripoff
sell off units.

This is why they were sold bulk to

If you buy a C60 you'll get good support ... from the company selling it !

Like I said,

Unless Hell has frozen over or Xantrex proves to me they have changed
significantly, I do not plan on buying any of their products again.


It has been much to long for me to remember the email or telephone
numbers now.

Unfortunately, I've heard this one qute a bit... There must be some
folx that do get quick responses.

I don't think that the engineers that designed the Tiger series or
C-XX products are there anymore. I didn't think that mere mortals
were able to speak to the engineers that are still there. Has that
changed ??



Scott Willing

yeah. that's why I don't appreciate Xantrex competing with me,
selling discounted inverters on the web on their own website.

Second-last time I visited Store4Power there was a notice warning that
it would soon be absorbed into the Xantrex site.

Last time I visited, it had been. Furthermore, reconditioned gear
seems to have dissappeared from the list, so I guess your problems are

Just out of curiousity, what would you recommend be done with refurb
gear? Sold through dealers? Landfilled?


Brent Geery

My "problem" is a manufacturer
selling product directly to end users, a manufacturer with no clear
policy of supporting dealers. I want to make clear that there are
some *very* positive aspects to Xantrex as a company. I have had
nothing but excellent tech support, for example.

So stop selling Xantrex products. Goodbye useless middle-man.

Scott Willing

huh? I can't parse this nonsense. Thanks for bringing the new
Xantrex store to my attention. There is plenty of reconditioned stuff
on it, and other things.

I stand corrected. Refurb used to be a separate section. I didn't see
it in the nav bar so I leapt to the conclusion that it was gone.
My "problem" is not "over". You don't seem
to comprehend what my "problem" is.

You're right, I did miss the point somewhat.
My "problem" is a manufacturer
selling product directly to end users, a manufacturer with no clear
policy of supporting dealers. I want to make clear that there are
some *very* positive aspects to Xantrex as a company. I have had
nothing but excellent tech support, for example.

It seems as though customers have had mixed results with Xantrex
support. The possibility of being left to blow in the wind is a bit
frightening -- at least for those of us who don't take lightly the
idea of coughing up the cost of a decent used vehicle for a freaking

I bug dealers with lots of questions, but when it comes time to plunk
down the dough, they get my business, even if their price is not the
best. I try to shop close to home, too, but that isn't always

But if I feel like getting another pocket inverter to throw into my
glovebox, I don't need to bug a dealer. Inverters are such a commodity
item now they practically give them away in cereal boxes at Costco.
yes, of course dealers should be given that option.

Fair 'nuff.

Scott Willing

So stop selling Xantrex products. Goodbye useless middle-man.

A tad harsh perhaps.

A good dealer is worth every nickle they make. Most good dealers are
enthusiasts, not merely retailers. They know their stuff, and they're
good allies to have.

Of course, there are also dealers who think the world owes them a
profit just for breathing, but they're easily avoided.


Brent Geery

Scott Willing said:
A tad harsh perhaps.

A good dealer is worth every nickle they make. Most good dealers are
enthusiasts, not merely retailers. They know their stuff, and they're
good allies to have.

Of course, there are also dealers who think the world owes them a
profit just for breathing, but they're easily avoided.

That was my point, in more diplomatic terms. :)

If the dealer offerers value-added support and service, and the
consumers (that need such support) will pay a premium. Good for them.
Otherwise, buying at a discount directly from the manufacture is a
great deal for the d-i-y consumer.