Maker Pro
Maker Pro

What would happen IF?

Hello everyone,

I want to use my Linear power supply BUT it is a German model. I purchased it when I was in Germany 2 years ago. It is 220v 50hz, without using a step up/down transformer is it possible to run this unit here in the USA without any incident?



not unless it has a 120V/220V switch on the back of it

you only other 2 choices are ... step up transformer from 120 to 220V
or replace the transformer inside the PSU



¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
edit: Ignore everything I said. It's a linear supply.

Check carefully. The input power might be specified as something like 85 to 265VAC. If so (or if it is a range that encompasses the supply voltage in the US) then you're OK.

oh, this bit's probably OK:

If you have a 220V outlet then you can run it from that too, but I gather they're not common except behind electric stoves etc.
Best off not using it and buy a 110v rated transformer, finding the correct sized transformer remounting it... the trouble it would cause you..

Another option is to buy a 110 to 240ac transformer just so you can use your german 240v...

Hardly worth the effort or power loss stepping up down and around around!