Maker Pro
Maker Pro

What Types Of Led In Screen


what types of rgb led are used in computer screen i have seen oval leds in video wall.

Computer screens and most small to medium TV screens are LCD

The LED refers to their use for back-lighting instead of fluorescent tubes
ok, how these small rgb pixel are made and controlled by computer how computer connect each pixel and changes its color
i have used matlab where rgb images has 3 matrix but is there any variables size bits of each rgb images?
LED LCD TVs/Monitors have LED backlights, but still use LCD panels. The name "LED TV" generally means it's actually LED LCD. It's a marketing gimmick, meant to confuse people more than anything.
OLED TV's/Monitors are the ones with actual LEDs for each pixel. Premium smartphones also use OLED screens.

The 16x2 LCD you referred to is a 16x2 CHARACTER LCD. It's not really meant to be pixel-addressable.

LCD screens have embedded controllers in them that control the panel itself. When you want to display something on that panel, you communicate with that embedded controller. The way you interface with the controller depends on the controller/panel type. Typically, with the smaller screens, it's via something like I2C or SPI. With full-blown TV/Monitor panels, it's usually via multiple LVDS channels.