Maker Pro
Maker Pro

What Type of Solid State Relay to use with my Temperature Controller



I have a Watlow F4 Temperature controller (full Part No. F4PH-CAAA001RG). I
want to connect a solid state relay to its "Switched DC" output so I get
zero crossing switching but I'm unsure if this requires a SSR with random or
Zero Crossing switching. The manual doesn't help:

The F4 manual does mention "Burst Fire" which uses zero crossing detection,
so I suspect that the switched DC output can drive either type of SSR so
long as the controller and SSR are connected to the same mains supply so the
phases are matched.

Or have I misunderstood what's going on?




Scrim said:
I have a Watlow F4 Temperature controller (full Part No. F4PH-CAAA001RG). I
want to connect a solid state relay to its "Switched DC" output so I get
zero crossing switching but I'm unsure if this requires a SSR with random or
Zero Crossing switching. The manual doesn't help:

The F4 manual does mention "Burst Fire" which uses zero crossing detection,
so I suspect that the switched DC output can drive either type of SSR so
long as the controller and SSR are connected to the same mains supply so the
phases are matched.

Or have I misunderstood what's going on?

According to the product brochure,

the controller you have is rated 100-240V AC/DC and has one
open-collector DC output, with an update rate of only 20Hz.

If you wanted the controller to detect zero-crossing, apparently you
would need a different controller, the one with the solid-state relay

To use the controller you have, I would suggest connecting a
solid-state relay with its own zero-crossing detection.


I have a Watlow F4 Temperature controller (full Part No. F4PH-CAAA001RG). I
want to connect a solid state relay to its "Switched DC" output so I get
zero crossing switching but I'm unsure if this requires a SSR with random or
Zero Crossing switching. The manual doesn't help:

The F4 manual does mention "Burst Fire" which uses zero crossing detection,
so I suspect that the switched DC output can drive either type of SSR so
long as the controller and SSR are connected to the same mains supply so the
phases are matched.

Or have I misunderstood what's going on?

I don't even know what their ramp and soak mean. When I use a linear ramp
controller, I feed the DC control voltage to a Mosfet to control voltage linearly.

Yes, a SSR with zero crossing turn on at the zero point, and off at the zero point.

We use linear ramps so it has no switching noise.



GregS said:
I don't even know what their ramp and soak mean. When I use a linear ramp
controller, I feed the DC control voltage to a Mosfet to control voltage

Yes, a SSR with zero crossing turn on at the zero point, and off at the
zero point.

We use linear ramps so it has no switching noise.


Thanks folks. I've also just worked out that the P in F4P (as apposed to an
S or D) means this isn't a ramping controller as I'd assumed. It seems
Watlow like to keep their guidance cryptic for some reason!
