Maker Pro
Maker Pro

what size load capacitor for crystal oscillator?

OK so i have a homemade PCB, a uC, and an 8MHz crystal. According to the common formula, CL = (C1 * C2) / (C1 + C2) + Cstray. CL is supposed to be 18pF.
simple enough except for Cstray. most articles i've read say that Cstray is probably between 3 & 5 pF. is this a reasonable figure?
Here are some pics of my board, a standard FR4 with 1oz. copper. pardon the lousy camera:
I said the chip, not the crystal, tho the crystal datasheet does give indications of the value
oh... yeah that's a good idea, hold on.... yes it does have a suggested circuit:
so yeah if i could figure out that Rext. i guess i'd have to either scope it or find some kind of timing routine to measure it. but then i can't get a resistor with some specific precise value.
Yes. Changing the temperature would have more effect than the capacitors being off by a little bit.
