Maker Pro
Maker Pro



I am new to electrical stuff and have a fairly simple question. I have a out building that i plan on running outlets and lights too.

1. What I need to know is what size breaker is appropriate for my application?
2. What is the size of the wire that I need to use to go from my main panel in my house to my out building (ie 6,8 gauge) ?
This wire will be running underground for approximately 20' and the total distance from my main panel to the building is 85 '.

This is what I will have in my building for outlets and lights:

- 14 total outlets (110v)
- 3 standard strip lights

This is what my tools or devices are:

- heat gun
- battery chargers
- full size freezer
- sealing iron
- small heater (1500 watt)
- 3 strip lights
- pedestal fan
- dremel tool
- drill

I do not plan on using more than 4 things at one time excluding my lights if this helps !

Any help would be greatly appreciated :D

Thanks Scott