Maker Pro
Maker Pro

What might this be?

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It is on top of a mobile with cameras around and yes, there is a camera on this box object which I think might be an antenna or amplifier. But from what I have heard there are lots of electronics in this place and the neighbors are suspicious because the owner spends a lot of time gaming the rules and the law.
Any help or insight on what it may be is much appreciated.


  • IMG_5625.JPG
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It could be almost anything from a fan to a homebrew miniature evaporative cooler to a WiFi antenna though the apparent presence of metal tape militates against the latter. Your picture doesn't have enough resolution even to determine the number and type of cables, if they're cables.

Maybe the guy likes his privacy and is tired of nosy busybodies getting on his property and taking bad pictures of his stuff. Unless he's doing or dealing drugs, running a motorcycle with a modified exhaust, inviting small children in for tea parties or something else criminal, why not leave him be? When you say "gaming the rules and the law", that means breaking them with subterfuge to make it appear he isn't? ;):rolleyes:
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It's a landing pad for mini-space aliens. The aluminum foil is classic 'tin foil hat' protection from NSA spying. The CCTV camera is so the host Earthling can immediately post the landing to Utube so that he can get the scoop before the National Enquirer does.
All the electronics you see around your place is because that's where they moved AREA 51 when people discovered it's previous location in Nevada.
ps. That fireplace chimney is a disguised mini flying saucer landing pad.
(Hey *steve*, how long before we see this post in the 'Twilight Zone' header?)
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