Maker Pro
Maker Pro

What is this 5 pin part? Factory car stereo.

I have not been able to ID this part. It is in the radio from my parents 2009 Ford Taurus.

The radio is now totaly dead after the cd changer locked up & I removed the 5 disks that were stuck in it.

Can someone please help me ID the 5 pin part (looks like it is in a TO-220 style case or close to it). See first pic.

I also included pics of the radio & part # to aid in help if needed.

Also does anyone have or know where I can get a Service Manual for these?





The part could be a stereo power amplifier for driving the speakers. It should have a type number on it.
Thanks. I thought that might be a possibility. There are 2 other multi pin IC's (one bigger than the other, both had several pins) mounted to the same heatsink that I figured went to the speakers (front/rear) but I was not going to remove their mounting to look for part #s. That 5 piner could be for a sub woofer though I don't remember seeing one in the car. Could be hidden.

I was hoping it may have been some type of voltage regulator that was blown causeing the unit to be dead.

The only id on the IC (seen in pic & can be read on it in the pic enlarged) is as follows

16 H8


OK hmmmm doesn't help much :(

Im suspecting possibly a voltage regulator
the main audio amp chip looks to be that larger multi pin chip to the right



OK further searching on google suggests that they are zero's NOT "O"'s

so 00CC0W

this produces results for low drop out regulators which would have prefix letters of BA
ii BA00CC0W

can you see n obscured BA there ?

Dave thanks for the help. To the right of that one multi pin IC is another bigger multi pin both I figured were the audio output ICs.

There is no BA infront of the #'s but that could be a "Given" prefix like the 2 on some transistors or the LA or LM on some ICs? I even bent back those 2 tangs some & could not see anything more behind them.

Just infront of those 2 big smt resistors is a zif connector that uses a paralex flat cable that goes to the CD transport. I was messing with it & that is when the power went out on the radio. So I was figuring that part may have been a regulator & I fryed it.

On a quick E-Bay search using the BA # you gave I found this and it looks like the same part.

I found a datasheet. I think it is it.

Do you know of a good source that won't charge a lot for it?

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