Maker Pro
Maker Pro

what is the best?

I know you may hear this question many times.
But which programming language and compiler is the best for avr programming?
codevision , GNU , IAR , GCC or others?
and which book do you recommend to learn it?A complete and advance book.

Harald Kapp

Hi Mahdi,
There is no "best" programming language. It all depends on what you already know and what you want to do.
My personal favorite for hardware-near programming is C plus some assembler, if required. For programming the AVRs I have made very good experiences using the ATMEL AVR-studio (free) in combination with WinAVR. WInAVR integrates into the AVR-studio IDE and allows programming in C. Suitable libraries are also comming with WinAVR plus you'll find lots of support on the internet.
On the other hand many people are very happy using a Basic complier like BASCOM for this purpose. One could argue over the ease of use of Basic vs. C. As I said, it's a matter of taste, too.

Sorry, I don't know a good book (which doesn't mean there are no good books out there) on programming the AVR, just that I self-taught me without using books, just examples from ATMEL application notes and from the internet.
