Maker Pro
Maker Pro

what is the best C compiler for 2051 microcontroller??



what is the best C compiler for 2051 microcontroller??

any resources on the net,

please !!


Spehro Pefhany

what is the best C compiler for 2051 microcontroller??

any resources on the net,

please !!



Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany

Spehro Pefhany

Spehro ... ive read your posts for years .

Still travel to Asia ? i'm here , Thailand ....retired ....

You used to live near Phoenix, AZ, right? Just guessing from the
writing style.
Im building a pocket PC with No need for Display nor keyboard ,
interested ?
It needs nt sp' recognition ! For it only needs to compare a few
menu items
and it knows what you selected from your speech .
This is used today . Schwab has it on their phone lines .

There are no technical problems , just NewForth OpSys that boots a
ARM 920T
box .....

Aside from a general market, it could be very useful for visually
impaired persons. That is a limited market, but not very
price-sensitive (usually governments in developed countries pick up
most-- 75% to 100%-- of the cost of such devices)