Maker Pro
Maker Pro

What is name of this component? Thx b4

Hello Guys can you help me to solve this, i don't know name, if i wanna say this components, can you tell me, what is it?


  • IMG_20180930_154452.jpg
    241.4 KB · Views: 61
Maaf jika ini bukan komponen, karena saya tidak tahu tentang ini


Sorry if this is not a component, because I didn't know about this
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Not a problem. That's a huge 'pile' of them - are they surplus stock?

If you wanted to SELL them you'd have to get some specifications for them. You could do a lot of the work yourself - make a dimensional drawing, determine the connections and voltages etc, all quite easily achieved.

Package them into lots of x5 or x10 etc and chuck them at eBay!
Led array typically used as battery charge status indicator in tools Lithium packs.
