Maker Pro
Maker Pro

What happened to ExpressPCB?


Don A. Gilmore

Has anyone tried to order from ExpressPCB lately? They seem to have
disappeared from the radar.


Jim Thompson

Has anyone tried to order from ExpressPCB lately? They seem to have
disappeared from the radar.


Eh? The website is functional.

...Jim Thompson

Tim Shoppa

Has anyone tried to order from ExpressPCB lately?

Yeah, I had three boards made up and delivered in mid-February without
a problem.
They seem to have disappeared from the radar.

Whose radar?


Don A. Gilmore

I just tried again...nothing. Won't connect. I can't even get their
website to come up, even if I type their URL directly. Everything else on
the Internet works fine for me. I tried last Thursday and Friday, then
again Monday and today. Beats me.

Kansas City

John Woodgate

I read in that Don A. Gilmore
I just tried again...nothing. Won't connect. I can't even get their
website to come up, even if I type their URL directly. Everything else on
the Internet works fine for me. I tried last Thursday and Friday, then
again Monday and today. Beats me.
I just tried, and found the web site OK, at:


Hello Don,
I just tried again...nothing. Won't connect. I can't even get their
website to come up, even if I type their URL directly. Everything else on
the Internet works fine for me. I tried last Thursday and Friday, then
again Monday and today. Beats me.

I just tried and it works. It could be a problem with the DNS server of
your provider. Maybe maintenance or something is down for another
reason. We had this a lot in the first year or so of broadband but now
it happens only once or twice a month. Only for a few hours, if that.

Sometimes a search for the company in Google followed by a click on the
link helps.

Regards, Joerg

Larry Brasfield

Don A. Gilmore said:
I just tried again...nothing. Won't connect. I can't even get their
website to come up, even if I type their URL directly. Everything else on
the Internet works fine for me. I tried last Thursday and Friday, then
again Monday and today. Beats me.

Try this, (bypassing DNS lookup):

If that fails, you might want to talk to your ISP.
They may have a router misconfigured. I've seen
it happen that an address reachable from many
points is unreachable from one. The main way to
get that result is improper forwarding rules in a
router. If that's the case, send them a tracert
output. On Win{NT,2K,XP}, that would be:

BTW, the site works fine for me too.


Hello Don,

Just one more hint: If your DNS server is indeed down and you absolutely
have to get to the site for a quote or something you could try entering
their IP address instead of the web address:

Regards, Joerg

Don A. Gilmore

Joerg said:
Hello Don,

Just one more hint: If your DNS server is indeed down and you absolutely
have to get to the site for a quote or something you could try entering
their IP address instead of the web address:

I tried the IP you gave and it does work, though the URL still doesn't. I
guess I'll have to talk to IT. Thanks everyone for the help!

Kansas City


Hello Don,
I tried the IP you gave and it does work, though the URL still doesn't. I
guess I'll have to talk to IT. Thanks everyone for the help!

IT might not be able to fix that unless you are working for a huge
company that has their own DNS server. But they could talk to the ISP.

Regards, Joerg

John Larkin

I just tried again...nothing. Won't connect. I can't even get their
website to come up, even if I type their URL directly. Everything else on
the Internet works fine for me. I tried last Thursday and Friday, then
again Monday and today. Beats me.

Kansas City

We had TI disappear here for about three months last year. Nobody
could understand it. Then it just started working again.



If your DNS server is indeed down...try entering their IP address
I tried the IP you gave and it does work, though the URL still doesn't.
Don A. Gilmore

Any time you have such problems, use the IP Whois line here: