Maker Pro
Maker Pro

What Glue

Hi, Im looking for the name of the light brown glue used to hold down Caps and on wire to
relief the strain,
I don’t wont to use hot glue

does that brown stuff last years ?
if not what else could I use ?

I just want it for wire relief

hoping to get it at RS components

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Don't know what 'brown glue' you're referring to.
A lot of what you need will depend on the heat the board is exposed to.
No necessarily the heat of the components you intend to glue-down.
Is the circuit going to be in a cabinet or enclosure that will get hot?
Just checked..

We use something called Dow Corning 744 at work.
I think RS carries that brand too, maybe you could get that.
@Rixen....yes that is the Neutral Cure silicon...i was after the brown pva type that you see on wires

its this stuff on the wires

for some reason I cant post the link with the time in the video so fast forward to 3m5s

That's what I use, RTV or Silicone rubber caulk,
It is also easy to remove, should the need be to replace a component.
I'll mention, a lot of the circuits you see coming out of China, they are allowed to use whatever they want (no chemical MSDS requirements). Your brown glue might just be what is cheap and easy to get wherever your controllers were manufactured.
What's so speciel about that brown stuff? I mean, we are talking about securing some wires.
Now you want to start mixing something. Why not just use, an off-the-shelf solution, that's made for just these sort of things?

The stuff i talked about earlier. IS used in production (In the end product) on capacitors, inductors, varistors, whatever. I see no reason it cant work on holding down a wire. The place I work ship millions of products every month with that stuff in them.

Edit: davenn beat me to it :eek:
I dont like RTV,
It does not last long once the tube has been open/pieced also its not that cheap here
Ive used hot glue before and not easy if you want to service/work on the item again and remove

I understand why RTV is used in production but I might only use it 4 times a year maybe, not practical for me.

If no one knows what the brown stuff is called thats fine
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I dont like RTV,
It does not last long once the tube has been open/pieced also its not that cheap here

yes that is a valid response
so use white or clear silicone sealer ... pretty cheap in small tubes from your fav hardware store

What is wrong with hot glue?
Ive used hot glue before and not easy if you want to service/work on the item again and remove

that's also valid .... personally I wouldn't use hot glue, unless I had absolutely nothing else available
