Maker Pro
Maker Pro

What basic transistor I can use for simple PWM


I want to know about PWM transistors. Which simple transistor I can use for PWM. Suppose I want to control the speed of a rotor. Now I want a transistor which will check PWM signal at the base and limit current or voltage in the other two pins which will act like a limiting switch. Please suggest me a transistor like this.

Thanks in advance....


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
the transistor you choose will depend on the load current. I believe there are a couple of resources which show you how to use transistors to switch a load. PWM is just switching a load repetitively and quickly
PWM control especially motors is done now commonly controlled with Mosfets, these have the advantage of very low on resistance and also have the option of TTL Logic level gate compatibility.
You can get some that have the current sense built in for external monitoring, alternatively a very low series resistor in the source lead can be used to monitor load.
Your selection of Mosfet will depend on max load.