Maker Pro
Maker Pro

What are the SCSI SCA connectors called?


Ben Jackson

I have a few boards with connectors that look like SCSI SCA-80 connectors.
These are black plastic D-shells with an internal "finger" with contacts
on either side with .050 spacing. They are joined by a ribbon cable with
IDC crimp-type connectors. They are 80 pin connectors meant for .050
ribbon cable, so each connector is actually crimped to two ribbons that
run in parallel.

I've never seen these connectors named outside the SCSI context. Is there
a "generic" name for the SCA-80 connector? I have also never seen them
available as other than edge or vertical mount PCB connectors, but I seem
to have two ribbon cables made with IDC variants.

I'd like to rebuild the cable. Any ideas where I could order the parts?