Maker Pro
Maker Pro

wavetek 80 problem

To make a bipolar voltage source, I interconnected two unipolar voltage sources such that they have one common ground. Then, with the bnc cable, I connected the common ground from "bipolar voltage" source to the output (out) of my wavetek 80 function generator.

Then I turned the wavetek and voltage source on. Now, my wavetek is not powering up.
I know I probably burned something inside and am wondering what exactly happened to wavetek and is it possible to repair?


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
You connected the output (presumably very low impedance) of a power supply to an output of a signal generator and you wonder what happened? -- hang on. You connected the ground of the power supply to the output of the signal generator. That's not as silly :) However, you need to check to see if the ground of the wavetec and the ground of the power supplies are common. You may have simply shorted the output of the signal generator. But the symptoms suggest worse...

I would check the fuses. Perhaps there are internal fuses that blew as well.

In any case, the first place to look is in the power supply.

Don't expect it to be the end of the damage.

I have no idea if it might be repairable.
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