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Maker Pro

Watson / Jeopardy 'robot', whats so cool?



Did anyone see the IBM computer playing Jeopardy..I don't get it. What
exactly was the point of this demonstration?

Sure it has one of the better text to speech engines I've ever heard. And
the speech recognition worked very well (assuming it is using one..?).

But as far as answering trivia questions goes... just rig it up to google or
wolfram alpha.. how can it lose??? Google can answer in milliseconds. While
a human is still listening to the questions.

I'm sure it took some talented comp.sci thinkers to streamline the thing and
get it thru a taping of a tv show without a hitch. Natural language
processing is an interesting area of research, though I don't know to what
degree it is even doing much of that..

But still.. I'm assuming it has many encyclopedia's of knowledge available.
How can it lose? This is nothing like playing chess masters.
In comp.robotics.misc 1jam said:
Did anyone see the IBM computer playing Jeopardy..I don't get it. What
exactly was the point of this demonstration?

To entertain engineers.

[Sucked in:]
1/2 of what he posts always contradict the other 1/2.
One day 50 ppmv is the warming cutoff.
Oh Puuhhleeeeeeze easy with the strawman!
Not "cutoff" but 90% of the warming effect below 50ppm.
-- [email protected] [86 nyms and counting], 8 Feb 2011 11:27 +1100


1jam said:
Did anyone see the IBM computer playing Jeopardy..I don't get it. What
exactly was the point of this demonstration?

Natural language
processing is an interesting area of research (...)

That is what is so cool and mostly the point.

Perhaps you have been totally nonplussed by a question put to
you outside of your current 'context space'?
I do that two or three times a day, (but I'm old).

Note to self: She asked 'Soup or Salad?' not 'SuperSalad?'


Rich Grise

1jam said:
Did anyone see the IBM computer playing Jeopardy..I don't get it. What
exactly was the point of this demonstration?

Presumably, the same as the point of Deep Blue, that kicked that chess
champion's ass. I saw that clip. The chess master (was it Kaspaov?)
was heard to say, "Well, at least it didn't enjoy it."
Sure it has one of the better text to speech engines I've ever heard. And
the speech recognition worked very well (assuming it is using one..?).

But as far as answering trivia questions goes... just rig it up to google
or wolfram alpha.. how can it lose???

That was no more allowed that it would have been for a human contestant.

They even rigged up a mechanical hand to press the same button as the

And it's about to win a million dollars, which IBM is going to donate
to charity.

And it's just WAY KEWL!

Hope This Helps!
I think that Jeopardy!, at least partially, jumped the shark when they
let winners go on indefinitely, rather than retiring them after five
consecutive wins.

Watching the human "machine" Ken Jennings performing in those dozens of
wins became boring. It's much more fun to watch the program to see what
you might know and the contestants do not, and vice versa.

Evidently you're in the minority. It's ratings were soaring at the time.
Jeopardy! probably achieved higher ratings from attracting and holding
the yahoo's that said to themselves "Gaw-lee, he's a right agin!"

Now it's a physical machine against at least one human "machine".

I take it that you didn't watch it? (BTW, I didn't either)
Jeopardy! is on at the same time as the first half-hour of reruns of
"Two-and-a-Half Men", Wheel of Fortune, on the same channel as
Jeopardy!, is opposite the second half-hour of reruns of
"Two-and-a-Half Men". Most of the time I watch only the second
half-hour of "Two-and-a-Half Men".

This week I watch both half-hours of the reruns.

My point was that evidently the human "machine" sucked.
I hope old Charlie recovers and straightens out enough to give us more
first-run episodes.

I really don't care about the woes of the self-absorbed Hollywood nut-baskets.

Rich Grise

Evidently you're in the minority. It's ratings were soaring at the time.

It is ratings?


Rich Grise, Self-Appointed Chief,
Internet Apostrophe Police.
I don't see where *you* made that point. I did say it was boring.

My point: I'd rather have Charlie Sheen's comedy than boring,
shark-jumping, yahoo-oriented episodes of Jeopardy! He does have to be
somewhat healthy to make more episodes.

Insufficient alternatives.
Otherwise, I wish they wouldn't
even report on the personal lives of any show-biz types.

Don't listen.


Evidently you're in the minority. It's ratings were soaring at the time.

I take it that you didn't watch it? (BTW, I didn't either)

What were you doing?.... too buzy jerking off!
It looks like you just want to tag one irrelevant comment onto another.

That figures. You're incapable of putting two thoughts together.
Seems to me that you're just another usenet blubbering old fart.

I suppose it might look that way to a dumbass kid who really cares about
Charlie Sheen, of all losers.
Piss off.

After you kid (but you just can't resist the last word, can you?).
Here's a thought: You sure seem to care that Charlie's a loser.

Dingbat, you're the one who brought him into the conversation.
Here's another thought: Charlie Sheen might be a loser. I don't care.

I you're lying.
Here's yet another(!) thought: I don't give a rodent's arse what you
care about. Now go to your room and leave the attendant's computer

You care enough that you can't leave it alone. You *have* to get the last
word in.
Your stimulating convo just brings out the intellectual in me. :)

I see I wasn't wrong about your depth.

Rich Grise

casey said:
To show how clever they have become with expert systems?

I suspect it demonstrates a lot of clever algorithms at
work under the hood even if it does rely on brute search
the way Deep Blue did. I suspect it is a long way from
being able to hold a normal conversation. We must always
be careful of the Eliza effect.

I'm so proud of myself I can't shit! Tonight (well, last night), under
the category, "Keys on the keyboard" or thereabouts, the clue was, "A
garment that hangs straight down from the shoulders." Watson guessed,
"chenille," Ken guessed "A?" and Brad didn't even ring in.

I GOT IT! The answer was "shift!"

I have beat Ken Jennings AND the smartest computer in the world!

(well, on one question, but that's infinitely more than zero!)

I totally agree with you about depth. Your depth is so great, I have to
put on boots to wade through your verbiage.

Which simply proves that you really are shallow enough to drown a snail.
Now, back to you, BOF. :)

You really should have that compulsion to have the last word checked by a
professional. It is a sickness.

Paul F. Grayson

As it turns out, no one had done it before. Processing the 1/2 to 2/3 of
the worlds knowledge that is not in data bases is the challenge. Details
are in the YouTube Videos available.



Paul F. Grayson - 4-H Leader
4-H Robotics Club of Traverse City
"Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math fun"
390 4-Mile Rd. S.
Traverse City, MI 49696
(231) 883-4463 Cell
[email protected]
I see that you still want to play, Gospodin, but I must be a little
slower in batting it back to you, because I have a few more important
things to do than to keep you from having the last word, doofuss-amigo!

That's certainly not all you're slow at. I'm sure you are really an impotent
Incredibly recursive (or is it *inductive*?) of you, you know, that in
order to chide me for doing something, you are ipso facto doing the very
same thing!

No, dingbat. I gave you a chance to bow out, which any sane person would have
taken. I'm now showing exactly how insane you really are, Hosie.

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