Maker Pro
Maker Pro

WANTED TO BUY-"RCA Sound" large cassette player-stereo model



If anyone has an RCA SOUND large cassette cartridge player, from
1950-60's era, I'm interested in buying one- stereo output with tubes
preferred, but will also consider solid state/mono machines and tapes

please email

[email protected]

Homer J Simpson

If anyone has an RCA SOUND large cassette cartridge player, from
1950-60's era, I'm interested in buying one- stereo output with tubes
preferred, but will also consider solid state/mono machines and tapes

??? You mean an 8-track?


??? You mean an 8-track?

No, he means a cassette machine that used 1/4 inch tape, cassette had
2 internal reels, cassette could be flipped over. Another wonderful
machine that died because of RCA's magical sense of marketing and
timing. (Like CED video disks, 3/4 inch home video machines, and NTSC
Compatible Color TV...oops...that one hung on a few years and
ultimately sold.