Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Wanted: wanted low cost signal gen , lcr, esr used south east USA

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Hey Im newbie .. and limited funds .. I just bought my first scope .. an old TEK 475M, $85 bucks included shipping .. I had to sell several things to scrape up the money for that as it was .. trying to get a basic lab together .. now looking for the rest I need

Signal Generator, LCR, and ESR cheap .. dirt cheap free would even be better lol .. but somehow I dont see that happening :)

If you have any old equipment that still has usefulness laying around .. I mainly am looking to fix dumpster diving electronics , broke lcd tvs from the curb, just anything to help gain skills at diagnostics ... If your in 50-75 miles of Chattanooga, TN that would be even better!
Every thing Ive read or seen on those type of devices, is that they are pretty much just toys, to low mhz to be useful to anything I would want to do.

Since Ive posted this Ive rounded up a Goodwill GFG-8020H Function generator, esr meter, KEPCO MPS 620M Triple Output DC power supply, and a few other things. Online is about the only place to find stuff .. at least in my area
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