Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Want to get a cheap oscilloscope(advise)

Harald Kapp

What is the bandwidth you really need? The scope you linked to is probably good enough for hobbyist purposes, but note that the bandwidth is only 5 MHz when using a ×1 probe,
Can hand held one handle the same as a table one.
A modern disgital scope is likely to surpass any functionality an old analog scope offers (at least if it is not a high-end analog scope).

Harald Kapp

Would a Hantek DSO5072P be sufficient?
Sufficient for what?
What is the bandwidth you require?

The Hantek from your link has two channels which can always come in handy when you need to compare signals or want to find the timing relationship between signals.
What was it that you wanted to use it for?
Marine radio RF?
What sort of frequency is that?
Generally the "bandwidth" of the scope determines the upper frequency you can use it on. Apologies if I explain the obvious, but what "bandwidth", frequencies are you dealing with?

In my area we only use the nahdhelds if we need portable. If it does not have to travel, we always prefer the big screen, larger control panel and often keyboard and mouse.