Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Walmart Lithiums below par



Since I learn alot here, I thought I'd share my anectodal results here.

A few weeks ago I asked opinions about possible lithium battery failure
in my atomic watch. Having replaced it twice with NEW ones from Walmart
(labeled China), I thought it was reasonable to assume they'd be up to par.
It turns out that the current draw of 5000 ma was enough to reset the entire
watch when the EL panel was activated. (Quiescent draw was 5 ua).
It was only when I replaced it with an Eveready 1620, that everything came
back to normal.
Bottom line is: Chinese lithiums are a waste of time (at least from Walmart)


Mr. Land

5000 mA? Is that a typo? Isn't that, like, 5 amps?

Anyway, thanks for sharing this info.


..... a few more thousand milliamps and you could start your car.... are you
certain that you did not slip in some extra zeros?? I can not believe the
5000ma number..... it should be more like 50ma, with 500ma being higher
than I would think.

Bill Jeffrey

Ummmm ... is that 5000 uA (microamps) = 5 mA (milliamps)?



OOPS !!!!!

I meant 5000 ua !
Thanks for the proof-reading. I wanted to show the magnitude of variance
from display
state to illumanance state and changed factors by mistake. least I see people using their brains when reading, unlike


Andrew Rossmann

Since I learn alot here, I thought I'd share my anectodal results here.

A few weeks ago I asked opinions about possible lithium battery failure
in my atomic watch. Having replaced it twice with NEW ones from Walmart
(labeled China), I thought it was reasonable to assume they'd be up to par.
It turns out that the current draw of 5000 ma was enough to reset the entire
watch when the EL panel was activated. (Quiescent draw was 5 ua).
It was only when I replaced it with an Eveready 1620, that everything came
back to normal.
Bottom line is: Chinese lithiums are a waste of time (at least from Walmart)

Did the WalMart batteries have a brand name?


Nope. just generic. But they offered nothing except this "brand".
(house brand?)