Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Vtech 2420 Cordless Phone Keypads Gone Bad




I have 7, yes seven Vtech 2420 cordless phones handsets - of which 3 of them
have developed bad keypads. This means that one or more of the buttons do
not function unless you forcefully "jam" your finger into them. On one of
the handsets, this happened rather suddenly.

I have taken one of the handsets apart (nothing to lose there), and seen
these types of button before. The 'buttons" are on a rubber button sheet
with a black "contact" on the back that presses down to a spot on the PCB
and shorts interleaved traces on the board to activate the button. The
contacts and the traces on the board are a jet black - I can't determine
what material they are made of (carbon?). I've tried cleaning both with a
solvent, but no matter what, it doesn't seem to either help, (or even hurt)
the problem!

Anyone have any suggestions or insights? These are great phones,
discontinued and even refurbished or used replacements are expensive. I'd
like to fix them...


Scott Lane

I heard on here to get some rear windshield defroster repair glue from the
automotive parts store and treat the button keypads.