So I'm trying to keep my car battery charged while it's in storage for a year at my mechanics lot.
I got a 20w solar panel to function as a trickle charger, and a voltage regulator. (Both pictured) The panel puts out upwards of 25 volts in full mid day sunlight. This would be bad for the car battery and gas it out, so I got the voltage stabilizer to supposedly keep it at 12 volts.(IN: 5-32v, OUT: 12v 3 amp MAX) The idea was to splice it inline on the alligator clip leads.
It was evening when I tested it. I shone my car's high beams on the face of the panel. Direct source voltage was reading 18.3 volts on the alligator clips. I attached the clips to the input leads on the regulator/stabilizer, and tested voltage on the output, and it only read 3.2 volts.
My concern is that the regulator might only convert to a trickle 12v voltage in the mid day sunlight when the panel is producing 25+ volts, which is not a long time to maintain charge. Is this an wrong assumption? Did I test the setup incorrectly? Should I go with a different solar product and return both of these? I'll try it again tomorrow afternoon.
I got a 20w solar panel to function as a trickle charger, and a voltage regulator. (Both pictured) The panel puts out upwards of 25 volts in full mid day sunlight. This would be bad for the car battery and gas it out, so I got the voltage stabilizer to supposedly keep it at 12 volts.(IN: 5-32v, OUT: 12v 3 amp MAX) The idea was to splice it inline on the alligator clip leads.
It was evening when I tested it. I shone my car's high beams on the face of the panel. Direct source voltage was reading 18.3 volts on the alligator clips. I attached the clips to the input leads on the regulator/stabilizer, and tested voltage on the output, and it only read 3.2 volts.
My concern is that the regulator might only convert to a trickle 12v voltage in the mid day sunlight when the panel is producing 25+ volts, which is not a long time to maintain charge. Is this an wrong assumption? Did I test the setup incorrectly? Should I go with a different solar product and return both of these? I'll try it again tomorrow afternoon.