Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Voltage Regulator Build

I need to build a solid state voltage regulator. Input 2 leads 60V AC. Output 1 lead 14V, 10 AMP -- for charging purposes + ground. Can anyone direct me to link for a schematic?
The 60VAC input will cause a circuit to be complicated to reduce the severe heating. Use a transformer to convert the 60VAC to 12VAC then it is simple. A 120V to 24V transformer will be fine.
Possibly derived from an isolation transformer???? 60-0-60 with the centre-tap fixed to ground??? Such transformers are used as 'site transformers' for portable power tools.

Either way it's going to be 120V AC as the main source supply therefore any standard (linear or SMPS) power supply circuit or module can be used - even an old computer PSU. But a lot depends on the battery being charged - its charging requirements etc.

More info needed.
Rectify the 60V AC to give 85V DC on a fat capacitor.
Use a buck convertor to drop to 14V DC regulated.
This will have high efficiency.
You may be able to do without the capacitor if the convertor will not object.