Maker Pro
Maker Pro

voltage divider with load question and guess

My guess is its still 4.5 volts from some confounding experiments ive been doing at my battlestation. (desk). If I can finally understand this itll be a good start, since its been 4 years or so and still counting, I know im fairly behind but I keep truckin on...

Oh no! are u saying that at between those resistors its 1.8 volts???

Thanks I think you just helped me then. :)
Yes 1.8 Volts - but....

Just like all of your other posts, you are being hopelessly unclear.

Between which resistors? There are 4 resistors in post #3, which voltage is of interest?

Why are there arrows drawn on your diagram? - they seem to have no relevance

Remove the meaningless arrows and add in a voltmeter symbol to indicate the two points in the circuit where you want to know the voltage. That way I will not have to guess at what answer you might want.
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But I change my mind again. Its 9v. (on the 1.8v one) With even resistance both sides, it doesnt change the voltage balance.

Its just where im at, at the moment... im probably wrong tho...

Whatever makes you happy ...

If you decide to find out the truth - google "resistors in parallel", "Ohms law", "voltage divider"
Not Googled those for myself, but I imagine that one or more may educate

Buy yourself a solderless breadboard - a selection of resistors, a 9V battery and a cheap multi-meter. Test out for real to verify theoretical results.

There are many possible answers to post #3, but my second guess at the answer you might prefer is 5.4 Volts. Draw a voltmeter on the diagram if you want me to stop guessing at which answer you might prefer.

... and add identifiers R1, R2, R3, R4 to your diagram so that we can communicate more clearly on which resistor(s) you are discussing at any time
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Can I please ask for your help again - Im really screwed and dont know whats going on.


Heres a little circuit im exploring. Im deciding where to put the wire with the 50 ohm resistor either side of the 1k resistor.

On the right, im getting very little response from the cap.

On the left, im getting no response at all - WHY? I was expecting it to be louder because its BEHIND (with respect to negative, RED) the resistor, so it would include it as its resistance, and not be the path of least resistance anymore, so more juice would go through the cap and LED.

But! to be the exact opposite of what I thought, it was actually 0 response, instead of the little response I was getting on the other side closer to negative. (BLUE)

So am I missing something???
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I do not know what is going on either

Probably nothing. The circuit looks like nonsense to me. Wire your resistor any way you want, the circuit is still nonsense.

This is way beyond hopeless - I give in
I thought you guys were professional, and ur scared off by a little resistor diagram.

Its behaving like complete nonsense as well... confusing as hell.
That wasnt an insult!!! I take back that your scared, more like you just cant be bothered with things that have no point.

It could be a voltage reduction, im finding that is very tricky, and happens without me noticing alot!

Harald Kapp

Im really screwed and dont know whats going on.
So are we.
On the right, im getting very little response from the cap.
And why should you? An what response to what (??) do you expect?
I was expecting it to be louder
What should be "louder" no speaker here to be loud at all. Even with speaker, you'll get no sound from DC without an oscillator. No oscillator in sight here.
Its behaving like complete nonsense as well... confusing as hell.
That's because the circuit is nonsense - at least to us.
As usual you are unable or do not want to explain what the circuit is supposed to do and how you think it does that. How are we supposed to help if you keep vital information to yourself?

Your sketch is hardly legible, numbers and labels barely recognizable. You sure can do better.

This is way beyond hopeless - I give in
I feel with you.
I think its because the capacitor is discharging into the led turning it off.
And putting a resistor in the way, is making it not happen as much.