Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Voltage controlled resistor (LM13700) not working properly


Hello. I have taken the above from the LM13700 datasheet (datasheet version below) which is a voltage controlled resistor, controlled by the labelled "Cv". I have attached this as the feedback resistor Rf of a standard non-inverting amp just to test whether or not the supplied formula actually works. Eventually Cv will be supplied by an R2R ladder but anyway...

Datasheet states Rx = 2R/gmRA where R are the two 100k resistors shown and RA is labelled.

I have spent hours trying to configure this so that the formula version of Rx matches the one determined by the non inverting op amp gain (1+Rx/R2).

Using the Vo = 3.215, Rx should be 12.14k ohms

but using Rx=2R/gmRA I get Rx = 11.35k ohms

so - they dont match and the VCR isnt working properly

I may have done something stupid but I cant spot it so any fresh eyes woud be appreciated. I will attack the datasheet version below. PS - if anyone has ever actually derived the formula shown I would be very interested to know how it was done.


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I should add for anyone not familiar with the chip that gm = 19.2*Iabc

where 2*Iabc is labelled on the ammeter
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