We have a box that has its output controlled via an analog input.
The box spins a shaft dependent upon the analog input.
If the analog input is 5 volts - the shaft does not spin.
If the analog input is 0 volts - the shaft spins at top speed.
And of course the speed varies between those end-points as you would expect.
Now the problem arises where power may be lost to the analog input signal - which would drop it's output to zero. And subsequently rotate the shaft at full speed.
So my question is what kind of circuit should we use to ensure that if the analog input were to drop out of the picture all of a sudden (due to unexpected power/communication lost to that device) - how could we make the input of the box "see" 5 volts and stop the shaft?
We have a box that has its output controlled via an analog input.
The box spins a shaft dependent upon the analog input.
If the analog input is 5 volts - the shaft does not spin.
If the analog input is 0 volts - the shaft spins at top speed.
And of course the speed varies between those end-points as you would expect.
Now the problem arises where power may be lost to the analog input signal - which would drop it's output to zero. And subsequently rotate the shaft at full speed.
So my question is what kind of circuit should we use to ensure that if the analog input were to drop out of the picture all of a sudden (due to unexpected power/communication lost to that device) - how could we make the input of the box "see" 5 volts and stop the shaft?