Maker Pro
Maker Pro

voltage and current output DAC's


Jamie Morken


I am confused about current output DAC's,
the one I am looking at requires a negative
voltage reference for making a positive voltage
output (at least from the datasheet schematic)
but I think it should be simpler to just hook it
up with a single supply.

Here is the datasheet page that shows a negative
vref for generating a positive unipolar output:

" output DAC/currentoutputDACnegativeoutput.jpg"

The datasheet also has a hookup with a positive reference,
but that is then used to generate a negative output:

" output DAC/currentoutputDACnegativeoutput.jpg"

I think I should just hook it up with a positive reference and
then use a non-inverting amplifier on the output for I to V

" output DAC/single supply current DAC.jpg"

Is that a proper hookup for this?


Phil Allison

"Jamie Morken"
I am confused about current output DAC's,

** That is for sure.

the one I am looking at requires a negative
voltage reference

** No it don't.

Here is the datasheet page that shows a negative
vref for generating a positive unipolar output:

" output DAC/currentoutputDACnegativeoutput.jpg"

** No it don't, Vref is positive.

Vout is inverted by the op-amp.

Can't you find any schems that are not drawn with bloody DEFECTS ??

** Hey dope - you supplied the same link again.

....... Phil

Jamie Morken

Phil said:
"Jamie Morken"

** That is for sure.

** No it don't.

** No it don't, Vref is positive.

Vout is inverted by the op-amp.

Can't you find any schems that are not drawn with bloody DEFECTS ??

** Hey dope - you supplied the same link again.

Thanks Phil, very inspiring input. I meant to post this link for the
positive output DAC:

" output DAC/currentoutputDACpositiveoutput.jpg"

Any advantage of that circuit over this one, which is also positive
output but only has a single supply:

" output DAC/single supply current DAC.jpg"

Looking forward to your response? ;)


Phil Allison

"Jamie Morken"

** Hey dope.

Find some damn schems where the vertical lines are BLOODY VISIBLE !!

Ya dopey wanker.

....... Phil


Phil Allison said:
"Jamie Morken"

** Hey dope.

Find some damn schems where the vertical lines are BLOODY VISIBLE !!

Ya dopey wanker.

...... Phil

Hi Jamie,

At risk of getting a tirade of abuse from Phil, those pics look fine to me.

Is this your version of the circuit from a previous thread?


Fred Kruger

"Jamie Morken"

** Hey dope.

Find some damn schems where the vertical lines are BLOODY VISIBLE !!

Ya dopey wanker.

Dear Phil,

please take it in the kindest possible way when I suggest that you Get
Cancer and Die Screaming. If you could arrange it so that this
happens before your sphincter loosens and another flood of postarrhea
is unleashed from your bowels, we'd all appreciate it.


Phil Allison

"Dave the Brain Dead **** "
Hi Jamie,

At risk of getting a tirade of abuse from Phil, those pics look fine to


......... Phil

Phil Allison

"Fred Kruger Net Nazi Scumbag "

( snip vile abuse)

** Hey Fred,

Still got that baseball sized tumour inside you head ?

Enjoy it while you can.

Ya gonna drop dead any minute.

........ Phil

John Devereux

Phil Allison said:
"Dave the Brain Dead **** "


It appears to be a fairly wide jpeg. If the browser has to reduce it
to fit your screen, the vertical lines vanish. With a wider window it
is OK.


Jamie said:

I am confused about current output DAC's,
the one I am looking at requires a negative
voltage reference for making a positive voltage
output (at least from the datasheet schematic)

That's what tit looks like.

but I think it should be simpler to just hook it
up with a single supply.

No, the output stage will always be inverting.


Jamie Morken

Eeyore said:
That's what tit looks like.

No, the output stage will always be inverting.

Why would a non-inverting output stage not work?

A voltage output DAC only requires a single supply to
generate a unipolar positive output, I assume it has the
I to V opamp circuit inside the DAC.
