Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Virtual ground help

Here's what I have and here's what I need: I have a 12v source of virtually unlimited current (car battery). What I need is a way to easily and cheaply produce plus and minus approximately 5 volts (not critical) at about 3 amps for an automotive application. From here I have to drive an op amp to produce say plus or minus 3 volts to drive a transducer with will require at least 2 amps at full swing. I can do this by buying DC converter modules, but at this current level they're pricy. Doing some checking, I've come across "rail splitters", something I've never dealt with in almost 40 yearsof repairing electronics.

Any advice appreciated.


Phil Allison

<[email protected]>

Here's what I have and here's what I need: I have a 12v source of virtually
unlimited current (car battery). What I need is a way to easily and cheaply
produce plus and minus approximately 5 volts (not critical) at about 3 amps
for an automotive application. From here I have to drive an op amp to
produce say plus or minus 3 volts to drive a transducer with will require at
least 2 amps at full swing.

** Does this "transducer" require DC current or can it be AC coupled ?

You need to supply more info.

.... Phil

George Herold

<[email protected]>

Here's what I have and here's what I need: I have a 12v source of virtually

unlimited current (car battery). What I need is a way to easily and cheaply

produce plus and minus approximately 5 volts (not critical) at about 3 amps

for an automotive application. From here I have to drive an op amp to

produce say plus or minus 3 volts to drive a transducer with will require at

least 2 amps at full swing.

** Does this "transducer" require DC current or can it be AC coupled ?

You need to supply more info.

Yup! More info.
I've done low freequency 'rail splitting' If your 2 to 3 amps of current is is being returned to the virtual ground, then the device that's making that 'ground' from 0-12 Volts will be dissipating 6V*3A ~18 Watts.

George H.