Maker Pro
Maker Pro

ViewSonic monitor button sending signal when not pressed


Do they sell replacement buttons like this?

I know the Chinese sell stuff like this generally $1 / 10, so I should be able to acquire 1 unit for $1. It's those black little buttons. I need just one. Anyone know what they are called/where to buy them?

the complete strip will likely to be available from the manufacturer

the individual switches from various suppliers like Farnell, Mouser, Digi-Key etc

search for tactile switch
most likely the button is sticking :)
I desoldered it and am waiting for the shipment from China. No idea why this happened. Nobody used this button (it's in the center and used for settings, hasn't been touched in years). I guess we'll know when I get the new button and solder it back on.


I desoldered it and am waiting for the shipment from China. No idea why this happened. Nobody used this button (it's in the center and used for settings, hasn't been touched in years). I guess we'll know when I get the new button and solder it back on.

who knows …. maybe a manufacturing dud ? …. maybe moisture got into it ?

hope the replacement solves the problem :)