Maker Pro
Maker Pro

ViewSonic G220fb monitor ghosting


Wayne Tiffany

We have several of these monitors, and they are all performing very well
except one. It has started showing ghosting lines that go out to the right
of an object. The object can be letters, a dialog box, etc, but the lines
all appear to the right only. None of the standard controls seem to affect
the lines.

I haven't opened it yet for lack of time, but just looking for ideas.


Brittany Martin

We have several of these monitors, and they are all performing very well
except one. It has started showing ghosting lines that go out to the right
of an object. The object can be letters, a dialog box, etc, but the lines
all appear to the right only. None of the standard controls seem to affect
the lines.

I haven't opened it yet for lack of time, but just looking for ideas.


If you aren't going to open it up because of lack of time, how are you
going to take the time to diagnose and fix it, you punk motherfucker.

Yukio YANO

Wayne said:
We have several of these monitors, and they are all performing very well
except one. It has started showing ghosting lines that go out to the right
of an object. The object can be letters, a dialog box, etc, but the lines
all appear to the right only. None of the standard controls seem to affect
the lines.

I haven't opened it yet for lack of time, but just looking for ideas.

Classic case of Ringing caused by an unterminated line !!
I don't know why your Video line is ringing but the first test would be
to plug in a signal using a working signal source, and cable from a
working monitor. I had this problem on a SUN monitor and cured it by
switching the Video Signals onto the Terminated Connections. Just
imagine a Square Wave being fed into an unterminated line and seeing the
signal being reflected from the unterminated connector ie a series of
ripples (ghosts} !

Yukio YANO

Wayne Tiffany

Thanks for the reply. I do have it hooked to a known good source in that
the computer that is currently driving it was just fine on the previous
monitor. We swapped the monitor with another computer because the good one
wasn't being used as often as the streaky one, and the problem went with the
monitor, not stayed with the video card. I checked to see if that monitor
had more than one input, and it does not. The cable is hard wired so I
can't even try another cable.

I'm curious, though. If the issue is ringing as you describe, why would the
streaks only show up to the right of objects, rather than to both sides of


Michael A. Terrell

Wayne said:
Thanks for the reply. I do have it hooked to a known good source in that
the computer that is currently driving it was just fine on the previous
monitor. We swapped the monitor with another computer because the good one
wasn't being used as often as the streaky one, and the problem went with the
monitor, not stayed with the video card. I checked to see if that monitor
had more than one input, and it does not. The cable is hard wired so I
can't even try another cable.

I'm curious, though. If the issue is ringing as you describe, why would the
streaks only show up to the right of objects, rather than to both sides of

You may have some defective electrolytics in the power supply for the
three video amplifiers that drive the CRT.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida


I'm curious, though. If the issue is ringing as you describe, why would
the streaks only show up to the right of objects, rather than to both
sides of everything?

because the CRT beam sweeps from left to right.

A sudden change in brightness produces a ringing AFTER the change


To the left would be before the change.

bz 73 de N5BZ k

please pardon my infinite ignorance, the set-of-things-I-do-not-know is an
infinite set.

[email protected] remove ch100-5 to avoid spam trap

John E.

I'm curious, though. If the issue is ringing as you describe, why would the
streaks only show up to the right of objects, rather than to both sides of

Your question is analog to "Why, when I take a photo of a fast car, does the
blur only appear *after* the car and not before?". Or, "When I strike a bell
with a hammer, why do I not hear anything before I strike it?".

Ringing is the undesired result of an event continuing after it should have