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View Security Cameras on PocketPC via MPEG4 and Java Phones over the Internet


Steve Garland

ASTA Announces SkyWire Video Version 2 with MPEG4 and Audio Support.

Evaluations available on request with future SDK's under development.

ASTA Announces SkyWire Video V2.0-code named "Venus"

With the popularity of the Internet, the proliferation of CCTV systems, the
fast spread of Wi-Fi and cellular wireless modems, and the ever increasing
demand for more security, ASTA has developed a new generation of SkyWire
Video technology to take advantage of these converging technologies. The
goal to securely support any video input, and any audio input, from anywhere
make them available on any platform and device, with a highly secure
connection-either wireless or "wired," using MPEG-4 Video with audio options
for outstanding performance. PocketPC devices using WiFi connections should
see frame rates of 4-10fps.

SkyWire Video also supports advanced motion detection, and records video to
hard disk using MPEG-4 compression to reduce disk space requirements. E-mail
alerts can notify remote users of detected events. Remote clients can play
back recorded video, or view "live" video on PC's, cell phones, or PocketPC

SkyWire Video is designed to meet Dept. of Defense Class III requirements
for maintaining the safety and security of its video streams, so customers
can use remote monitoring and wireless devices with confidence.

This new generation of SkyWire Video technology is based on the concept of
SkyWire Remote Channels, which allows any Video/Audio input device to be
captured and the video stream to efficiently distributed in a
network/Internet environment.

They key to SkyWire Remote Channels is the ability for SkyWire Capture
Servers to act as a remote client to SkyWire Venus Servers, with a high
level of security to assure the safety of the customers' video, even in
wireless environments. The SkyWire Venus Architecture provides a flexible
and "Lego"-like building block that provides software that can capture video
and audio, directly support remote clients, and securely push that
video/audio to other remote Venus Servers.

Preliminary documentation can be downloaded now and access evaluation
versions are available on request including a server and PocketPC client
that can get up to 5-10FPS with audio.

Video Sources include:

· Webcams or USB Cameras

· Legacy systems connected to Video Boards

· Existing DVR's or multiplexer-based CCTV systems.

· HTTP Network Cameras, including Axis, Panasonic, Flexwatch, Veo,
D-Link and others.

· Video Appliances (watch for more announcements on this soon)

· Other SkyWire Video Servers

These video sources, along with associated audio, can be securely
transmitted to a number of "client" platforms and devices, including:

· Browser Clients

· Win32 Client

· PocketPC C

Steve Garland [email protected]
SkyWire Meeting - Internet Meetings
SkyWire Video - Cross Plaform Video Streaming
SkyWire VoIP - Convergence of IP and Telephone Systems- Win32 and PocketPC
ASTA Technology Group


Relax. You can do the same thing with DMP's ePAD, and a Panasonic Network
Camera. They are very cool though. The real question is whom is going to be
utilizing them. Some $6.50 an hour Guard? I've been trying for an
application for about a year know, and your just finding out about it? Did
you know you can now route alarms across the Internet, and use a Network
Camera to Verify the Alarm with Live Video. Under $500 Bucks, I can convert
any Manufacturers Alarm Panel into an Internet Monitored Alarm, and use a
Network Camera for Video Verification. Oh, and from ANYWHERE in the world,
to St. Louis (USA). False Alarm Free!



and what about customers who dont want to pay $500 for installation of this
b/c they are low income families barely able to pay the monthly fee?

Mark Leuck

It would appear they can't afford it, the product is for a different target


I find the ones who will pay. Why would I be looking for people who are
barely able to pay for something? Is that your niche?



Right on ! Leave those customers for the ADT's of the world. Ya gotta "pick
and choose your customers"......


Steve Garland

<< You can do the same thing with DMP's ePAD,

Our SkyWire Product allows for some advanced security features, like running
very strong encryption, authentication and device authentication which
allows only hardware "registered' with the server to be able to communicate
with it. And since our apps are "native" (on PocketPC for instance) and not
a "browser" app that anybody can run, you get even more security

In addition, a SkyWire Video Server can be run as a "remote channel" which
means that say you have 6 http cameras running on a local network with no
static IP address for the outside world. The SkyWire Server can read the
http cameras locally and then "push" an encrypted stream to another remote
Server as a "client" using udp,tcp or http. This means that nobody can
communicate directly with the http cameras unless you are behind a firewall
on the network.

Then SkyWire Video Users using a Browser, Windows App, PocketPC or Java
Enabled Cell phone can view those cameras. Motion Detection is supported as
well as mpeg4 recording on the server *or* on the remote channel, for a true
distributed solution. Remember also you can use PTZ even from pocketPC and
Java Phones to control the cameras.

Now if you follow that scencario, imagine the software running on an
"appliance" so your installs don't include any more software "setup" but
just plug the appliance in. That's what we are working on now. below is a
link to a diagram that shows how this can be used.

Steve Garland [email protected]
SkyWire Meeting - Internet Meetings
SkyWire Video - Cross Plaform Video Streaming
SkyWire VoIP - Convergence of IP and Telephone Systems- Win32 and PocketPC
ASTA Technology Group


Very strong encryption? How about AES encryption. I feel (and my customers)
pretty safe running applications through a standard browser. Its completely
user friendly and non-proprietary. It requires no OS and does not run any
executables. I can also change, password protect, and re-route the port for
higher security. It's safe, fast, easy, and affordable. I've been using it
since 2001. Good luck with your product.


Steve Garland

<<Very strong encryption? How about AES encryption.

yes that's strong and we support it also, on win32 and PocketPC and in a
browser using pure java, no activeX.

We are not saying that users should not use the browser based software that
comes with http cameras, but as you start to add and mix cameras, and add
users things can start to get complicated and that's where we think we can
add value.

Browsers allow access to one specific type of camera though usually, if you
have a bunch of say HTTP cameras, like Axis, Panasonic, Flexwatch you can't
view them from one browser, where our product allows mixed http cameras as
well as analog cameras and web cams to be viewed.

As you get into more advanced features, like motion detection and alerts and
have to manage bunches of cameras, centralized solutions like SkyWire Video
Distributed Edition allow many users to access the system without ever
having to worry about things like IP Addresses or ports or encryption keys,
it's all handled transparently.

And remember you can also use your Java enabled Cell phone to view images<g>

Steve Garland [email protected]
SkyWire Meeting - Internet Meetings
SkyWire Video - Cross Plaform Video Streaming
SkyWire VoIP - Convergence of IP and Telephone Systems- Win32 and PocketPC
ASTA Technology Group


How can a camera see all around the building and roof and all around inside
to determine if it is a false alarm?


One camera doesn't do it all. We only do commercial installations, NO
Residential. Cameras can be placed to view a wide array of area. Some fixed,
but most Pan/Tilt. Our 2003 False alarm Rate 0%.



Like this you mean
We are already using a software package which allows us to view and record
different Manufacturers Cameras, DVR's, IP, or just Video. It is running in
our Central Station. Along with 2 FTP Servers for remote video storage.


Dmitry Sinyagin

Like this you mean

It's just a DVR. Steve told you about "streaming server" architecture
that allows to watch any video source from anywhere (cell phones,
PocketPC's, win32, java). it's very interesting to control remote http
camera from cell phone, isnt' it ? :)

also beasusoft dvr doen't support MPEG-4 compression...

in other words skywire product mixs realtime video/audio streaming
technique and DVR


OK. You've got my ear. I was just asking the difference. I don't really care
for the control over a cell phone, but a PDA, or PPC is interesting. I still
need to record this information. Can it be set up for FTP? Managed?


Dmitry Sinyagin

OK. You've got my ear. I was just asking the difference. I don't really care
for the control over a cell phone, but a PDA, or PPC is interesting.

you may read "skywire video documentation" which describes base points
of venus architecture

I will try to describe shortly this paper:
there is "Venus Server" (like your DVR application but more :) ) which
grabs images from HTTP video cameras, Analog video inputs, SkyWire
appliance*. also the server is doing all security routines like Motion
Detection, Alerts, etc

it's base point of "security architecture" and then we are moving to
"streaming video". Venus server supports video/audio streaming to many
platforms (ppc/java/win32 etc). each client can connect to the server
via secure (AES) connection and get MPEG-4 stream (3-4kb per second),
so server is doing the "transcoding" job to convert MJPEG streams from
HTTP cameras to "real streaming" video and client can get reliable
video stream over very slow connection (dialup/gprs) cuz MPEG-4 is
very low bitrate video codec.
also you will get PTZ control with PocketPC device

*read more about skywire appliance here