Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Video Transmitter Schematic?



Does anyone have a schematic for a simple video transmitter? Maybe a
two transistor ciruit or something? It needs to have a little quality
so I can make out what I'm watching, but nothing professional or
anything. Thanks!


Jan Panteltje

Does anyone have a schematic for a simple video transmitter? Maybe a
two transistor ciruit or something? It needs to have a little quality
so I can make out what I'm watching, but nothing professional or
anything. Thanks!

Yes, in my head.
Hows your mind reading?
I will give you some clue (for Europe PAL),
one oscillator at fout, AM modulated with some diode,
or an extra stage.
One 5.5 MHz oscillator FM modulated with a varicap, fed
into the first one with the video (superimposed) as AM
So 2 transistors one diode, one varicap, or perhaps
one extra transistor.
If it can be VHF channel 4 (around 65 MHz) it is really simple.
Does NTSC have AM audio modulation? or at least different freq?
Only build a PAL one.