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Maker Pro

VGA OV7670; FIFO or no FIFO?

I have just bought a VGA OV7670 camera module to use on either my Arduino Uno or Arduino Mega 2560 & have just read something about needing a 'FIFO'! Can anyone enlighten me please? Thanks


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I have just bought a VGA OV7670 camera module to use on either my Arduino Uno or Arduino Mega 2560 & have just read something about needing a 'FIFO'! Can anyone enlighten me please? Thanks
FIFO . First-in, First-out.

Can you share a model number for the camera module? It may just be talking about a buffer.
The camera can dump information incredibly quickly. Using a buffer allows a picture to be taken right away, and allow the microcontroller to process it be reading it from the buffer.
VGA OV7670 IS the model number from what I can see. I think you're right though about FIFO being somewhere to dump the pictures. Looking on eBay, I've seen exactly the same camera but with a chip on the back & it's advertised as 'with FIFO'. But I've also seen things about wireless FIFO. I'm wondering if I rig up a micro sd card unit that I've got, if I could use THAT as a FIFO?