Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Very Strange Antenna Problem?



Thank you to everyone who has replied so far with possible suggestions.

Rubbishrat - I am repairing this T.V for someone else so they would b
using it with the built-in antenna.

I don't if this is any help but, the original problem with th
television was power related (Blown fuse, 1N4007 bridge diode S/C an
MJF18001 als S/C). I purchased a reliability kit for this common powe
supply problem for the chassis (CUC7303) which includes replacemen
parts for the diode bridge, a BUT11A instead of the MJF84001, som
zener diodes, electrolytic capacitors and resistors.

Could one of the replacement parts indirectly be related to th
diagonal lines problem?


Ol' Duffer

M.Joshi.1ktrm3 said:
Could one of the replacement parts indirectly be related to the
diagonal lines problem?

A long shot, but did any little ferrite beads come for the
transistor legs? Sometimes switchers can have little
parasitic oscillation chirps that radiate.