Maker Pro
Maker Pro

vendor review - Futurlec

Hello All,

I don't know if this is appropriate here in this forum, if not accept my apologies.

I have yet to try my first electronics hobby project. I ordered miscellaneous parts from an outfit called Futurlec on Nov 27th, and have yet to receive anything from them. I got no order conformation, no correspondence at all. On Dec 6th, I emailed them (email is the only contact information they provide) inquiring about my order, the next day I received an email stating that one of the parts (a $.40 heatsink) was back-ordered, so my order was waiting on it, but I could substitute a different part if I wanted to.

The website indicated the part was in stock, but I can see an error like that happening, but to not convey that information to a customer, to hold up an order for who knows how long, I think is inexcusable.

I substituted a different part, and got an email from them saying the order had been completed, and was being shipped "during today via standard post from our Asia distribution center Thailand".

The only order information available to me comes from the website, stating that I can expect my shipment in 7-10 days. That was on the 8th of December, and I have received nothing yet. I have no idea how long it takes to mail something from Thailand, and I guess Futurlec doesn't know either.

Maybe this is not typical of their customer service, possibly I just got unlucky, but if promptness is important to you when ordering, I would suggest looking to a different vendor.

I don't know if it is common practice to accept orders, and then ship from some facility in Asia. I would guess that there are vendors that actually stock parts. I ordered some resistors, capacitors, a voltage regulator, some pretty common components.
it is xmas and even on low volume delivery days I have waited more then 2 weeks for my delivery. So hold in there and next time do yourself a favor and pay a little extra for local shipping. I haven't had a migraine since I took my own advice. lol


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
I've purchased from them several times. I think they shipped from the Phillipines (from memory). It took a while (several weeks) but everything arrived.
Hi there.
I was looking into a replacement hard drive today, but due to the natural disasters out there, floods etc in Thailand , i was told there is a shortage of hard drives in the UK, so maybe there are problems on the door step of your components supplier, it just a thought, i only became aware of the HHD shortage today, but other business might have been affected, maybe not directly, but indirectly from there source. :)


Yeah the HDD problem is more than just a bit of a shortage, in fact in Australia they are still readily available. The real killer is that they have jumped considerably in price
. eg. a 1TB drive went from AU(US)$80.00 to over $140.00 !!!

I had purchased from them in early October (>$80) with success. I had explained in email after purchase that I had wanted in stock items to be shipped even though the others were not ready. I could at least start with what I had (<7 days to ship here) and wait on the rest.

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