Maker Pro
Maker Pro

VCR repair


D Yuniskis


I rescued a couple of "decent" (?) VCRs -- both of
which need some work. They are:
Sony SLV-R1000
I haven't spent much time on either of them. The
purpose of this post is to get advice as to which
might be best to start looking at.

And, to see if anyone has pointers to service manuals
on either of them.

So, anyone with firsthand experience with either of


Bruce Esquibel

D Yuniskis said:
I rescued a couple of "decent" (?) VCRs -- both of
which need some work. They are:
Sony SLV-R1000

Guess it depends on what is wrong with each of them but as an opinion, the
JVC looks similar to another model I've worked on in the past (hrs9800) and
were probably the last "built like a tank" models they produced.

Besides like the belt/idler problems, those had a poorly designed power
supply, which is right behind when the line cord is, really crammed in
there, it overheats and takes out the STK module on the board. It's somewhat
easy to figure out because the STK supplies the +5 and +12 (there might be a
3rd section for +18 or so), but they do legend the board.

Keep in mind, if it's anything else, it's probably not worth proceeding,
both of those appear to use uncommon video head assemblies, four or six head
designs with flying-erase. Really doubt either company has them anymore and
really doubtful there were any knock-offs made from the chinese. Probably
cost a small fortune even when they were available.

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