Maker Pro
Maker Pro

value of SDA in acknowledge phase.

Hi all,

In I2C after the master has transmitted a byte of data , next is the
Acknowledge cycle from the slave.In this cycle what shold the master
drive on the SDA line, drive on it a '0' or a 'Z'.This confusion is
there because the SDA line is externally pulled up.

Thanks in advance ,



It's been a while since I've looked at this, so I could be wrong.

I don't think that it's an issue of who is the master. The side that's doing
the reading will hold the SDA line low as its acknowledgment that it
received the data, or not drive it (i.e., drive it as "Z") if there was a
read error. Therefore, the side that's writing needs to not drive it (i.e.,
drive it as "Z") during the ack bit. The SDA line has a pullup so that it
will float high if an ack is not presented to the line by the reader, and
the writer will detect this as an error to its write.

The I2C spec specifies a data hold time of 5 "us" after the falling
edge of SCL
Now my question is when exactly should the slave acknowledge , should
it wait for this hold time to ellapse before driving a '0'. or can it
drive a '0' just after the falling edge of SCL to indicate the ACK


Pooh Bear

Hi all,

In I2C after the master has transmitted a byte of data , next is the
Acknowledge cycle from the slave.In this cycle what shold the master
drive on the SDA line, drive on it a '0' or a 'Z'.This confusion is
there because the SDA line is externally pulled up.

It's not confusing at all.

Your master ( it doesn't actually matter if it's a master ) is
*listening* for the ACK. Therefore it doesn't drive the SDA line - it
goes Hi-Z.

Remember, I2C is all about open drain / collector signalling on a single
bidirectional bus. Not like SPI for example..


Bob Monsen

The I2C spec specifies a data hold time of 5 "us" after the falling
edge of SCL
Now my question is when exactly should the slave acknowledge , should
it wait for this hold time to ellapse before driving a '0'. or can it
drive a '0' just after the falling edge of SCL to indicate the ACK

The receiver (either master or slave) can just drive it to 0
immediately. For a 400kHz device, waiting 5us would cause the sender to
think the receiver was not acking.

If the slave can't ack that quickly, it can always inhibit the clock by
pulling it low until it validates the data, then release the clock hold
after it sets up the ack.