I salvaged a wall wart as well as the matching barrel jack from an older wireless router and wanted to make a small board to attach to my breadboard for a "benchtop" power supply until I get to that more advanced project ;-0
Should I use the 78L06 instead of the '05 if I want to make sure I have at least 5v? I have read that some PIC's when they are programmed fail flashing because of low power due to variances with USB ports. Here is the basic schematic I am thinking of using. The w.w. puts out 16.4vdc and is rated at 12v/1A max of 16W. I was thinking of using a zener instead of the 1N4000 series diode, but I read on how the changes in resistive loads that occur on the ouput can cause the zener to have to dissipate potentially too much heat. I figured I should leave as much flexibility in design to allow whatever loads I might need up to the transformers max.
Thanks for any input, all ideas welcome. Ideally, this is to be super simple so that I can build it and not over analyze it
Should I use the 78L06 instead of the '05 if I want to make sure I have at least 5v? I have read that some PIC's when they are programmed fail flashing because of low power due to variances with USB ports. Here is the basic schematic I am thinking of using. The w.w. puts out 16.4vdc and is rated at 12v/1A max of 16W. I was thinking of using a zener instead of the 1N4000 series diode, but I read on how the changes in resistive loads that occur on the ouput can cause the zener to have to dissipate potentially too much heat. I figured I should leave as much flexibility in design to allow whatever loads I might need up to the transformers max.
Thanks for any input, all ideas welcome. Ideally, this is to be super simple so that I can build it and not over analyze it