Maker Pro
Maker Pro

using control voltage from synthesizer to manipulate VGA signals


I am trying to make something inspired by this video:

rather than being generative though, i am trying to work out if there is a way i can use a control voltage from a synthesizer to manipulate the colour channels in a CRT monitor?

is it possible to just run a CV signal to the RGB pins of the monitor? or is it more involved than that?

from what i have read, the RGB signals are analogue 0-0.7V and the vsynch and hsynch signals are digital

i have seen a couple of projects like:

but they seem to use a connection to a computer to generate the images, i would like to be able to just use a couple of control voltages from a synth to create a visualisation of the audio signal.

is this possible?
Depends on what you mean by "visualization." Most monitors will not come on until they see valid sync signals, so you would have to get those from a computer VGA port. This is what the tutorial means by hacking the cable. If you want anything other than full screen flat colors, like the synchronized visual patterns media player puts up, you need some kind of signal processing.
