Maker Pro
Maker Pro

using a counter cd4516 in ltspice to count the number of ramp down period

hello everyone
i wish to use the cd4516 in ltspice to count the number of cycles of source to discharge the integrator fully.
i want a binary output from counter, as expected i am currently getting an output in the form of waveforms. is there a way to directly get binary data at the output.

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Q1 to Q4 provide a binary output. Or do you mean something which displays a numerical value?
If the latter, perhaps use a behavioual voltage source to give a voltage proportional to the binary value.
Welcome to EP!

Harald Kapp

(LT)Spice is an analog simulator. Of course it will give you waveforms as the simulation result. So will any other simulator. You have to interpret the waveforms as digital signals to reconstruct the data in a format that is better suited to readability by humans.

Alec's idea is good. It will provide an analog voltage proportional to the digital output code of the counter. Note, however, this too is only a waveform.
If you want the counter's output being displayed as e.g. a hex code, this is beyond the capabilities of LTspice. You'd have to resort to a simulator specialized in digital circuits which will typically allow to define a bundle of signals (here: counter outputs) as a bus and will be able to display the bus state as e.g. a hex value.
hello everyone
i wish to use the cd4516 in ltspice to count the number of cycles of source to discharge the integrator fully.
i want a binary output from counter, as expected i am currently getting an output in the form of waveforms. is there a way to directly get binary data at the output.

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Try to give your outputs to any flip-flop that can transfer the data as it is, keeping the delay constraint in your mind..for each output pin use D-ff and use output of D-ff (Q pin) to switch on LED with supporting can use the clock for these D-ff as common clock and after the time you want to analyze your output,because the circuit output is traversing must have some delay.
hello everyone
i wish to use the cd4516 in ltspice to count the number of cycles of source to discharge the integrator fully.
i want a binary output from counter, as expected i am currently getting an output in the form of waveforms. is there a way to directly get binary data at the output.

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You could have used some sort of binary could have got some subsystems and related file on Yahoo LT Spice user group uploaded by Mr.Alec_t..adding the symbols and library file use can directly get your output in binary count.