Maker Pro
Maker Pro

use of Celeron processor in a intel motherboard


Michael Black

Emilio Sturino" ([email protected]) said:
Can a celeron M processor be used in a motherboard that currently takes an
intel M processor. Basically, can the tow processor be interchanged? (I
realize the performance is not teh same, etc...)

Any imput would be appreciated.

(I posted this message on the "intel.microprocessors.celeron" newsgroup -
got no response)
So why would a computer question have any relevance to a newsgroup about
the REPAIR of electronic devices?

There are lots of newsgroups about computers, you should be looking
in them for help. If the first guess didn't work out, there are still lots
and lots to sift through to find an appropriate place to ask.

Even if this was a repair question, this is hardly the best place to
ask "computer repair" questions, since most "computer repair" is about
changing boards or drives.


Emilio Sturino

Can a celeron M processor be used in a motherboard that currently takes an
intel M processor. Basically, can the tow processor be interchanged? (I
realize the performance is not teh same, etc...)

Any imput would be appreciated.

(I posted this message on the "intel.microprocessors.celeron" newsgroup -
got no response)


So why would a computer question have any relevance to a newsgroup about
the REPAIR of electronic devices?

Computers are electronics. My first job out electronics school was computers.
We studied computers in electronics school. Of, course, we used oscilloscopes to troubleshoot
computers back then, and we had to insert machine code to do it.


Andy Cuffe

Can a celeron M processor be used in a motherboard that currently takes an
intel M processor. Basically, can the tow processor be interchanged? (I
realize the performance is not teh same, etc...)

Any imput would be appreciated.

(I posted this message on the "intel.microprocessors.celeron" newsgroup -
got no response)

If it fits in the socket, it's worth a try. It might not work with
your board, but it shouldn't hurt anything. Generally, the Celerons
and Pentiums of the same generation are interchangeable. A Celeron M
would probably be a downgrade from a Pentirum M.
Andy Cuffe

[email protected]

Sam Goldwasser

So why would a computer question have any relevance to a newsgroup about
the REPAIR of electronic devices?

There are lots of newsgroups about computers, you should be looking
in them for help. If the first guess didn't work out, there are still lots
and lots to sift through to find an appropriate place to ask.

Even if this was a repair question, this is hardly the best place to
ask "computer repair" questions, since most "computer repair" is about
changing boards or drives.

You could have spent a lot less energy and bandwidth just answering the
question. Some of us - I for one - don't mind occasional off-topic
questions as they expand our horizons and we get to come out from under
our rocks. :)

--- sam | Sci.Electronics.Repair FAQ:
Repair | Main Table of Contents:
+Lasers | Sam's Laser FAQ:
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Important: Anything sent to the email address in the message header above is
ignored unless my full name AND either lasers or electronics is included in the
subject line. Or, you can contact me via the Feedback Form in the FAQs.

Brittany Martin

You could have spent a lot less energy and bandwidth just answering the
question. Some of us - I for one - don't mind occasional off-topic
questions as they expand our horizons and we get to come out from under
our rocks. :)

--- sam | Sci.Electronics.Repair FAQ:
Repair | Main Table of Contents:
+Lasers | Sam's Laser FAQ:
| Mirror Sites:

Important: Anything sent to the email address in the message header above is
ignored unless my full name AND either lasers or electronics is included in the
subject line. Or, you can contact me via the Feedback Form in the FAQs.- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

Go **** a refrigerator pecker neck.


You could have spent a lot less energy and bandwidth just answering the
question. Some of us - I for one - don't mind occasional off-topic
questions as they expand our horizons and we get to come out from under
our rocks. :)

But what fun is there in having no "soapbox" time? (c;
