Maker Pro
Maker Pro

USB pen recorder battery

I have a usb pen voice recorder I bought a while back on ebay and it worked great till the battery stopped holding a charge. No matter how long it's plugged into the computer it shuts down a few seconds after it's unplugged.

I took it apart and found the battery but I have no idea what to replace it with. I googled the numbers on it but didn't come up with anything.

Here's a picture if that helps. Thank you for any help!


  • P1100203.jpg
    79.5 KB · Views: 338
Drat. Is there way I can find out what kind of voltage it needs to be to put anything in there? I don't really care if I can't put it in the original case; I just want to get it working.
It's a 3.7V Prismatic Lithium-ion battery, 250mAh it seems. They're also known as Li-Po, Li-Poly, or Lithium-Polymer batteries.
It's very long & narrow but given your roomy requirements I'm sure you can find something to replace it with, perhaps on eBay.
You'll find similar varieties in small mp3 players and micro-helicopters for example.
You have to be very careful when replacing it since you'll be soldering directly on a live power source - that can be damaged, and do damage.
There's not much room around the solder points, and if the battery isn't shorted (& damaged) then it can damage the circuit, if you slip.
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¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Assuming they fit, it looks reasonable. Having flying leads means there's less chance of overheating the battery.

Be very careful you don't accidentally short them out.
Looks like a good deal. It also has protection circuitry - like it seems that your original battery has too. I'm not sure if the circuit will survive a short though.
It's quite impressive that you can draw over 6A from those little things btw..